Let's get to know each other better!


I'm Carol

I am delighted to meet you. I have worked in the health and weight loss market for over 2 decades and seen first-hand the positive effect that the correct nutrition can have on lives.

SoI have created Be Healthy, Happy. It’s a mix of supplements, nutrition, mindset and surroundings to help you achieve your health and wellness goals, seamlessly.

I bring you this advice based on my experience in the weight loss industry and my qualifications innutrition and NLP.

I have seen personally, and from those that I have worked, with the power of eating the right food, taking the right supplements, undertaking the right activities and having the right mindset. When individuals get it right for them, then the changes are exponential in terms of positivity and vibrance.

The research shows that as a nation we are unhealthy.

64% of the UK population is overweight. Being overweight is the cause of many illnesses such as some cancers, heart disease.

35%of people reported snacking on unhealthy food and drinks at least once a day. Poor diet and nutrition are recognised as major contributory risk factors for ill health and premature death. It also leads to low energy levels, impacted mental health and lives not led to their full.

67% of UK adults suffer from disrupted sleep. This is often a side effect of poor lifestyle choices and can then in turn exacerbate those issues

You don’t have to be part of this trend. You don’t need to be one of the masses. You can be you, living your life to the full.

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